Chapin Christian Community Church

Chapin Christian exists to help you connect with the saving love of Jesus, grow in full devotion to Him, and share His love with the world!

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Monday Dec 30, 2024

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Sermon Summary: This sermon explores the significance of Mary's response to the events surrounding Jesus' birth, as described in Luke 2:19. It encourages believers to reflect on God's work in their lives, treasure spiritual truths, and ponder deeply on their relationship with God. The message emphasizes the importance of storing up meaningful memories and spiritual insights, particularly as we transition into a new year, and challenges listeners to replace negative thoughts with God's truth.
Key Points:
Mary treasured and pondered the miraculous events surrounding Jesus' birth
We should reflect on significant spiritual moments in our lives
The importance of treasuring God's providence and presence
Replacing negative thoughts with biblical truths
Entering the new year with a focus on joy and unburdening ourselves from falsehoods
Scripture Reference: Luke 2:19 - "But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart."

Tuesday Dec 24, 2024

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Summary: This sermon explores the concept of finding true satisfaction in Christ, not just during Christmas but throughout life. It emphasizes the importance of wholehearted devotion to God, as exemplified by Simeon in the Bible. The pastor encourages listeners to lay down their lives before God, seeking intimacy with Him rather than chasing after experiences. The message highlights that hearing God's voice is accessible to all believers and that true satisfaction comes from a relationship with Jesus, not from material possessions or fleeting moments.
Key Points:
We are built for encountering God, which should change our lives
Consecration is an invitation to intimacy with God, not a burden
God is still speaking, and we need to position ourselves to listen
Jesus exposes the darkness in our hearts, provoking opposition to His reign
Satisfaction is found in a person (Jesus), not in moments or experiences
Hearing God's voice is a birthright for every child of GodLiving a life wholeheartedly devoted to God allows Him to show Himself strong 
Scripture Reference:
Luke 2:25-35 (Simeon's encounter with baby Jesus in the temple)

Monday Dec 09, 2024

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Sermon Summary: This sermon explores the concept of finding satisfaction in Christmas by experiencing God's presence despite life's challenges. It emphasizes that God has a purpose and plan even when life seems random or senseless. The speaker uses Mary's story from the Nativity to illustrate how faith can help us trust God's plan even when circumstances are difficult or confusing.
Key Points: - As adults, we often complicate Christmas with expectations and commitments- A satisfying Christmas is about experiencing God's presence despite life's challenges- Humans have an innate desire to find purpose and meaning in life's events- God is a purposeful God who brings order out of chaos- The Christmas story demonstrates God's intervention in seemingly random events- Faith moves us to trust God even when we can't see His plan- Mature faith says "I am the Lord's servant" in the face of unexpected circumstances
Scripture Reference:Luke 1:26-38 (focus on verse 38)

Monday Dec 02, 2024

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Sermon Summary: This sermon explores the simplicity of the Christmas message amidst the complexities of the holiday season. The pastor emphasizes God's love for the world, manifested through the gift of Jesus Christ, and explains the true meaning of believing in Jesus for salvation. He contrasts the Christian understanding of a loving God with pagan concepts of capricious deities, highlighting the good news of the gospel as a message of love, not condemnation.
Key Points:- Christmas can be complicated, but the message of Christmas should be simple- God's love is demonstrated through giving, particularly the gift of His Son- True belief in Jesus means fully trusting in Him, not just acknowledging His existence- Eternal life is more than just going to heaven; it's a relationship with God that begins now- God sent Jesus to save the world, not to condemn it- The simplicity of the gospel: God gave, we believe, we receive
Scripture Reference:John 3:16-17Luke 2:10-11John 17:1-3

Monday Nov 25, 2024

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Sermon Summary: This sermon concludes the "Bless" series, focusing on the final 'S' which stands for "Story." The message emphasizes the importance of sharing personal testimonies about how Jesus has transformed one's life. It addresses common reluctances to sharing faith stories and provides practical advice on how to prepare and deliver one's testimony effectively. The sermon underscores that sharing our stories is not about imposing beliefs but about offering hope and the good news of Jesus to others.
Key Points:
- Sharing your story is a crucial part of evangelism and loving your neighbor- Common excuses for not sharing include feeling unworthy, fear of imposing beliefs, and discomfort- A three-step model for sharing your story: life before Jesus, how you met Jesus, and life since meeting Jesus- The importance of living a life that aligns with your testimony- Preparation and practice are key to being ready to share your story- Prayer is essential in seeking opportunities to share your faith- The process of blessing others through your story may take time and patience
Scripture Reference:John 9:24-25 (The story of the blind man healed by Jesus)Romans 10:141 Peter 3:15

Monday Nov 18, 2024

Sermon Summary: 
This sermon explores the importance of kindness as a practical expression of God's love. It emphasizes how Christians are called to show kindness to others, just as God has shown kindness to us. The message encourages believers to be sensitive to the needs of others, respond spontaneously with acts of kindness, and be willing to sacrifice in order to serve others. The sermon ties this call to kindness to the broader theme of blessing others, using the acronym BLESS (Begin with prayer, Listen, Eat, Serve, Story).
Key Points:
Kindness is love in action, a language that the deaf can hear and the blind can seeWe should respond to people with sensitivity, recognizing that everyone is hurting in some wayActs of kindness should often be spontaneous, following the Holy Spirit's promptingTrue kindness involves sacrifice and may come at a personal costWe are all like Mephibosheth, crippled by sin, but invited to the King's table through Christ's kindness
Scripture Reference:
2 Samuel 9:1 - "David asked, 'Is there anyone still left of the house of Saul to whom I can show kindness for Jonathan's sake?'"
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Monday Nov 11, 2024

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Sermon Summary: 
This sermon explores the concept of being blessed, broken, and given in the context of Christian living and evangelism. It emphasizes the importance of understanding our identity in Christ, overcoming personal brokenness, and using our lives to serve others. The speaker encourages listeners to move past excuses and embrace their calling to share meals and build relationships with others as a means of sharing the gospel.
Key Points:
Prayer is foundational to evangelism and should precede all other actionsMeals were central to Jesus' ministry and can be powerful tools for connectionWe are blessed by God to recover our true identity and callingOur brokenness, when surrendered to Jesus, can become a source of beauty and purposeWe are called to give our lives in service to others and for God's kingdomOvercoming excuses (physical, mental, calendar) to engage in relational evangelismThe importance of remembering our identity in Christ before reaching out to othersThe concept of being "spent" for God's purposes rather than drained
Scripture Reference:
Luke 9:16-17Luke 22:19Luke 24:30John 6:35Philippians 2:17

Monday Nov 04, 2024

5-Day Devotional Download
Sermon Summary: This sermon explores the importance of listening as part of the "BLESS" strategy for sharing the gospel. It emphasizes the need to listen first to God, then to others, and finally to our surroundings. The pastor stresses that a burning heart for God leads to a flaming tongue for evangelism and that intentional, compassionate listening is crucial for effective ministry and personal spiritual growth.
Key Points:Prayer is the foundation for all aspects of blessing othersWe must listen to God first before listening to othersListening to people involves understanding their hearts, not just their wordsWe need to be aware of and listen to our community's needs and idolsIntentional and compassionate listening is essential for showing Christ's loveThe goal of Christian life is not just to endure until heaven, but to participate in God's redemptive work
Scripture Reference:Proverbs 18:13 - "He who answers before listening, that is his folly and his shame."

Monday Oct 28, 2024

We're challenged to embrace the second greatest commandment: loving our neighbors. The sermon series 'BLESS' unpacks five everyday ways we can love our neighbors and change the world. We're reminded that loving our neighbors isn't always easy, especially in our modern 'back deck' culture. However, by beginning with prayer, we can ask God to bless us indeed and enlarge our territory, just as Jabez did in 1 Chronicles 4:10. This isn't about material blessings, but about expanding our sphere of influence and opening our eyes to the opportunities around us. We're called to let our light shine, as Jesus teaches in Matthew 5:16, making a ripple effect that can impact eternity. This message challenges us to see that our 'someday' for making a difference is today, encouraging us to live intentionally and sacrificially for God's glory.
Key Points:
Love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, and love your neighbor as yourself
Begin with prayer to ask God for blessings and increased influence
Open your eyes to opportunities to love your neighbors that are already around you
Make your life "ripple" for eternity by impacting others positivelyIntentionally and sacrificially love your neighbors to fulfill God's purpose for your life
Scripture Reference:
Mark 12:30-31 (The two greatest commandments)
1 Chronicles 4:10 (The prayer of Jabez)

Monday Oct 21, 2024

5-Day Devotional: Download
Sermon Summary: 
This sermon explores the concept of gluttony, expanding its definition beyond just food to encompass overindulgence in various aspects of life. The pastor emphasizes that gluttony is allowing our senses and desires to dictate our actions, rather than relying on God's wisdom and self-control. The message highlights the importance of having a plan to combat impulsiveness and understanding our true spiritual hunger, which can only be satisfied through a relationship with Jesus Christ. The sermon concludes with a powerful reminder of God's unconditional love and the transformative power of choosing Christ over our earthly cravings.
Key Points:
Gluttony is not just about overeating but overindulging in any desire
The "monster of more" constantly tempts us to want more than we need
Gluttony involves letting our senses dictate our actions instead of seeking God's wisdom
Having a plan is crucial to combat impulsive behavior and temptation
True contentment comes from seeking something greater than personal satisfaction
Jesus knew who He was dying for and loves us unconditionally despite our flaws
God always provides a way out of temptation when we rely on Him
Scripture Reference:
Genesis 25:29-34 (The story of Esau selling his birthright to Jacob for a bowl of stew)

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